2020-24 in een Notendop


Tot medio 2024 ben ik een complete newbie en toegewijd op de gebieden waar mijn interesses nu naar uit gaan (sport en scholing). 

~ around 80% of human talk in groups is complaining. Don't be this majority. Think in solutions, not problems.
KISS: ja is ja, nee is nee, een woord is een woord, afspraken zijn afspraken, tijd is tijd, moord blijft moord (mens of dier) en regen is geen lava.  


So far so good. Mijn docent een oud Politierechter, mijn werkgever oud  Luchtmobiele Brigade, mijn sensei Zen zelve.  Ben in mijn nopjes.
Een onverzadigbare dorst naar kennis.


Mental and physical development were central this year.

So that was 2023. Funniest thing this year was a fellow student saying, "X has read Sun Tzu". I never told him I'm a chess player and I raise you Machiavelli, Clausewitz and Goebbels along Sun Tzu. The most productive thing this year was the first aid course, which allowed me to check another weakness off my list; fear of deep wounds/blood.


Animal actions and vegan cake baking were central this year. The perimenopause complaints were also central, and sports were made impossible for me. Everything physically this year went with great difficulty, after decades of hard training every week, suddenly... disabled. Crafting not so much, only to donate.

Fun fact: this year I was hired by the police and the municipality (I chose one of the two) and by the Kindertelefoon as a volunteer


The year was above all marked by loss. I find comfort in nature, in helping others and praying alone. Glimlachend gelaat zwaar hart.  Made a lot of crafts as donations to animal rights organizations.


2019, the year that dad got really sick and I stopped smoking and added JKD next to the silat training. 2020, corona, kitchen closed. 

what did you do when you were at home during covid? I became vegan and learned how to industrial dance. The cybergoth peeps were wearing masks long before us

Old pictures between 2006-2018

Old pictures from political activities, somewhere in the 2000-2006

What a waste of time this has been in my life, the political activism. Never again. 
At that time I was also active for an animal rights organization, ran a Dutch department for a Croatian and an English organization (totally unrelated), maintained contacts with (and maintained a website for) prisoners such as an ELF and a Zapatista activist (because who doesn't like protecting nature and has a soft spot for subcommandante Marcos?) and I have written quite a few articles under a pseudonym for various newsletters. 

The penalties for pedophiles, abuse or possession of images are ridiculously low in the Netherlands. Punishments such as 240 hours of community service. They destroy entire lives. But the people want bread and games.  

and just like that, others want to erase your memory, your childhood. Your birthright. Your dads lovely wish we would always enjoy a meal together, as a family, all with our own little families.  

My hometown

Growing up as child

A few favorite memories of mine:

* the first time I saw the structure of a snowflake was in Austria
* I caught a seahorse when we were swimming in deep water (Croatia)
* every single morning very early, dolphins jumped out of the sea.
* I would put blackberries on thin sticks or whatever I found in the mountains and mum would make jam from it
* seeking pine cones and putting them in a bag - in the winter deep in the mountains while water was coming from the mountain, so fairy-tale like. Dad was chopping wood
* seeking gnomes in a forest in Austria my parents and grandmum had hidden
* selling figs on the beach as a kid
* age 7, becoming Tito's pioneer. Yeah it was commie Yugoslavia, but I don't remember the commie side. I remember loyalty towards the country and God.
* the many arguments with the nuns cause I had no patience
* Hair als golden as the sun, eyes as blue as the sea, feet as fast as mine, always ending up at the same time on the finish line. The first boy I ever fell in love with. Milan from a place named Kamen. I think I was about 6.

A wonderful sign in the mountains asking people to leave only their footprints behind   

My fav prayer spot, on the mountain

There's nothing like waking up with a view of the sea, that's real wealth. 2019.

"My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?"

My father was clear his whole life what would happen to the family home (audio). Until the end of his life. How despicable it is, not to respect the wishes of your own father. Not only did they not respect his wishes, but they also deprived my son of his rightful share and with that his descendants of getting to know the family heritage.

peaches, grapes, figs, all kinds of trees that you could eat from in the garden 

And so my childhood became a part of jr's childhood too. 

Underneath pics with mum and grandma. I will never forget the ones who gave me life, fed me, took care of me, love(d) me, taught me to walk, read, etc. My parents did a great job, and I also was given a bonusdad who is always kind and helpful. 

from kiddo to teenager

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

My top 5 fav books

Sun Tzu Art of War (see also page 103 of book Strategic Weapons of our Warfare by Elsie Clark), BoF Rings Miyamoto Musashi, Wen Tzu Lao Tzu, Bible and Hagakure. Tsunetomo says don't be a bitch, you live you live, you die you die. Bible says don't be a coward, have no fear. So says Musashi. Every day is good. Be vigilant always. And be aware. Apathy is just as much a sin (in your ear whispering demon) as cowardice sloth greed defeatism etc.

The greatest among you shall be your servant, said Jesus.

And just like Jesus or a Musashi, you accept death.
Two are stronger than one, but do not forget that the devil attacks when you are alone.
And you know what, you will not be betrayed by an outsider but by someone standing next to you.  

Meekness is not weakness

Fact: if you actively stand up for good you will be attacked regularly physically, spiritually and mentally. If you serve the Lord, you become a target of Satan's envy (you will recognize them by their fruits). Satan will put you into endless and severe testing. Satan's attacks will never cease because you are shaking the foundations of hell.

2 Cor 12:10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Mockery - Luke 23:11
Poverty and tribulation -Revelation 2:9
Slander, Lies - Matthew 12:36
Imprisonment - Mark 6:17, Daniel 6:1-28
Torture - Isaiah 50:6, Acts 14:19
Death - Genesis 4:8
Threats - Acts 4:21, 4:29
Exile - Revelations 1:9
Persecution - 2 Timothy 3:12

Your own choice

I never have and never will try to convince anyone to follow Christ. I'm not here to hold your hand, you must make your own choice.

Matt 13:9 (or Mark 4:23) Whoever has ears, let them hear.

Ever tried the whip cracking trick - cutting a cig from the mouth? I did. And when I wanted to sell the whip, I was bombarded by pervs

I have said for years (when I was young and pursued) that males till age 39.5 can join the Foreign Legion, not trying to emasculate a man; I did so because every male has the opportunity to become a professional warrior. There you need no prior experience if you have none, and it can reactivate those who once did something like a prior few years army before. You get a paycheck, a redefined skillset and valuable contacts for life. I want our sons to be strong and to secure the safety of our grandchildren.

1 Corinthians 16:14 Let all that you do be done in love.

My aim is for you to be safe and fully capable of defending the weak.

I have a thing for shoes. Said almost every woman....